Thursday, November 4, 2010

Travel update from Joshua: Shizuoka, Japan

The Shizuoka Prefecture in Japan produces about 70% of Japanese green tea. Shizuoka, which translates into "tranquil hills" has been producing green teas for more than 800 years. Located on the south eastern coast facing the Pacific Ocean, Shizuoka's unique terrain, rich soil, balance of sunshine and rainfall along with dense fog are the right combination for quality green tea production. 

The Shizuoka airport offers an awesome green tea service. I ordered Fukamushi Sencha from the Makinohara district in Shizuoka and it was prepared by an expert tea instructor in the airport tea shop. The tea shop only hires certified tea instructors. He had great brewing skill.

 This tea menu is a map of Shizuoka and you can choose your tea by origin. Very nice!

Here a Japanese Tea Master performs a tea ceremony with his fellow tea masters from Korea and China at the World O-CHA (tea) Festival in Shizuoka.

This is a poster for the World O-CHA 2010 Festival in Shizuoka.

We offer a few wonderful green teas from Shizuoka: Genmaicha, Genmai Matcha, Sencha Superior, Sencha Yuzu and Sencha Sakura.


LisaKnowsTea said...

Had a great time in Shizuoka too. Enjoyed seeing Josh there as well.

Unknown said...

Just published a summary of statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. You might want to take a look to correct the 70% figure from Shizuoka.